Have you ever witnessed a life ruined from a small mistake?
A patient was wheeled into the ER some time ago with the most horrible throat wounds (and more). He had tried to make a statement to his almost ex-wife, but hadn’t thought things through.
So in order to show his wife — who recently filed for divorce because she was seeing someone else — how much pain he was in, he drank an entire bottle of DesTop drain cleaner — chemical stuff made of sulfuric and hydrochloric acid that is produced to eat its way through blocked drains.
And that’s exactly what it did — only in his throat.
When he entered the ER, part of his tongue and mouth was gone, as well as his gullet (and more). If you ever saw pictures of survivors of acid attack, then you pretty much understand what was going on inside.
What was left of his esophagus had to be removed, and instead the surgeons attached his stomach to his throat, so that he would be able to eat in the future. Reconstructive surgery was also needed on what was left of his lips and tongue.
The patient had lost all speech, but the agony he was in was beyond words in any case. His ex-wife might have broken his heart, but the DesTop ruined the rest of him.
And needless to say, she never really cared.
SOURCES: for the right-hand image: LANCISI, Giovanni Maria (1654-1720). De motu cordis et aneurysmatibus, opus posthumum in duas partes divisum. Rome: Giovanni Maria Salvioni, 1728. (And Google images for the other.)