The Night We Weren't Expecting (UNEXPECTED S ❤️ X WITH MY COUSIN)
It was a quiet evening, the kind where nothing really seems to happen but everything feels charged with possibility. My cousin, Jason, and I had been dating for nearly a year, and though we were close, we’d always kept things pretty innocent between us.
We talked about everything, from our dreams to our fears, but the topic of sex had always been this unspoken line neither of us had crossed.
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That night, we were hanging out at his place, watching a movie we’d both seen a hundred times.
It was comfortable, the kind of atmosphere where you feel completely at ease with someone. We weren’t even planning for anything to happen. It just… did.
Jason pulled me closer, and before I knew it, our kisses became more intense, more urgent. My heart raced, not out of fear but excitement.
We had always been careful to stop before things went too far, but this time, we didn’t. There was something about the moment—the warmth of his touch, the way his eyes softened as they looked into mine—that made everything feel right.
“Are you sure?” he whispered, his voice gentle, yet filled with anticipation. I nodded, feeling a mix of nerves and excitement.
We fumbled a little, both of us unsure, but we were in it together, learning as we went. There was something sweet about the awkwardness, like we were discovering a new world with each other.
It wasn’t perfect—nothing like the movies or what people described—but it was ours. We laughed at our clumsiness, reassured each other when nerves crept in, and took our time.
And when it was over, we lay there in silence, feeling like we had crossed a new threshold in our relationship.
It wasn’t the way I’d imagined my first time, but looking back, I wouldn’t change a thing. We were both inexperienced, figuring it out as we went, but what made it special was the trust and care we had for each other. It was our moment, and that’s what mattered most